What You Won’t Learn in an Accelerator
If we want to create a gender and eco-just inclusive world, we need to be able to grow sustainable social enterprises. Supporting startup co-operatives are part of the answer. But are incubators and accelerators up to the task? Are today’s startup ecosystems up to the task?
pk mutch is the founder of LiisBeth Media and Managing Member/Director of the HighWire Collective. HighWire exists to support radical entrepreneurs who are looking to liberate their minds and design post- capitalist enterprises and enterprise communities. For individual entrepreneurs, and startup coaches, we offer salons, programs and workshops. For incubator and accelerators, we offer Executive Entrepreneur in Residence services, staff/mentor training, program audits, advisory board governance transformation services, program design, delivery, plus general advisory and workshop facilitation services.
“We leverage our unique, on the fringe, lived “in the trenches” experience, education and global networks and apply an intersectional feminist, social justice and post-growth/care economy lens to create relevant startup programming and learning opportunities that help radical entrepreneurs and enterprise stewards of all ages/stages succeed on their own terms. “ — founding member, Managing Member/Director, pk mutch
Want to work with us? Visit: www.highwirecollective.com